Russell Jay Dunnuck


Creator of the New Financial Planning Model:


I love abundance. I love the feeling of having enough to live a fully expressed life.

Generating abundance gives me the opportunity to fully express who I am and who I was created to be.

Abundance allows me to invite those I love along with me on the journey to full expression of life.

You can have abundance too.

For over two decades, I have studied wealth generation. Degrees and certifications were earned, and I worked diligently to develop professional skills as a traditional financial planner. I have worked to help both individuals and organizations generate substantial wealth.

However, there is a difference between wealth and abundance.

Focusing exclusively on wealth generation creates more than we have the capacity to enjoy. This subconsciously creates anxiety and stress. When you have far more than you can use and enjoy, the management of it all consumes your time and energy leaving you too exhausted to actually live a fully expressed life.

Having too little wealth creates a mentality of lack. You feel stress and anxiety because you feel you will never escape the cycle. When money feels scarce, you expend so much energy just surviving to stay ahead of obligations. Your time and energy feel scarce, leaving you too exhausted to even imagine a fully expressed life is possible.

Abundance is the sweet spot.

Abundance is NOT having far more money than you can enjoy.

Abundance is most definitely not having enough money to meet your obligations.

Abundance is having enough money to meet your obligations and then extra to pursue what sets your soul on fire….resulting in your living a fully expressed life.

It is also having extra to share with those you love when they have a need.

I believe money’s best use is to generate abundance in your life. The current financial paradigm dis-connects you from your money. My passion is to help you reconnect to your money and skillfully use it to find abundance.

You already have all you need to begin generating abundance in all areas of your life. I can show you how to get started and then maintain the momentum so you, and those you love, can live in abundance.

On a personal note, I’ve wrestled with these issues myself. For over a decade I worked in the traditional financial planning field. I witnessed how most people remain dis-connected from their money and only generate wealth and never get to experience abundance. I have also worked in non-profit organizations and witnessed the stress and anxiety people face when they do not have enough money to meet their obligations.

I’ve created a new paradigm to guide people on both ends of the spectrum to find the joy felt when money is balanced through finding abundance.

I invite you to experience the joy of abundance in your life.

For EVEN MORE about my story continue reading below……

My heart was pounding in my chest as I walked into my boss’ office.

A week earlier he had offered me an opportunity to buy into ownership of the financial planning firm where I was working.

Finally, after 10 years of working my tail off, I was being rewarded with an opportunity for ownership in the firm and all the financial rewards that went along with it.

However, there was a problem. My heart was screaming, “NO!"

I was confused. My mind and my heart were locked in a stalemate. My mind said, “Yes!” even though it meant essentially walking down the aisle and becoming united with this firm.

It made sense to my mind, but my heart was staging a powerful protest. By becoming one with this firm, I would lose my individuality.

My dream of ownership in a financial planning firm hung in the balance. I heard my heart clearly say, “Your dream is too small”.

As my heart thumped in my chest, I walked into my boss’ office and politely declined the offer to buy in as an owner. I’ll never forget the look of confusion on his face. It was a short conversation and I walked out knowing I had chosen freedom. I was scared, but infused with an energy I had never felt before.

I could not have ever imagined how that moment of choosing freedom would send my life on a course to abundance.

While I continued working for the firm, my mind was filled with possibilities. My new found freedom provided fertile soil for my passions to take root, and as I learned later, would lead to abundance.

Within a year, I had given my resignation notice to the firm.

What followed has been the best decade of my life.

My heart has guided my pursuit of my passions and the result has been an abundant life I continue to live.

Abundance in financial resources, family and personal relationships, health, emotional well being, experiences, opportunities, EVERYTHING!

I feel more alive every day.

What does finding abundance look like?

On a personal note…I love what I call, “Embedded Travel”.

Exploring new places and staying long enough to feel the rhythm of the place.