Begin a New Story

Fund Your Passion

What does your soul crave?

When you are still….and allow your heart to speak, your mind then drifts to what may be possible.

What picture comes into focus?

Now, take that picture…

…..and open your heart to the possibility of it becoming reality.

Learn to orient your life so the resources can come in.

It all starts with defining your first Passion Project.

A Passion Project is anything that awakens your soul and makes you feel alive. It could be:

  • A creative art studio

  • Time off work to write a book

  • Travel to a place you have always wanted to visit

  • Learning to sail or fly an airplane

  • Chance to receive culinary training

  • An extended month long vacation in Europe

I’m Russell Jay Dunnuck

(You can call me Jay)

I’m a Financial Advisor with Heart.

“My mission is to awaken within you the power to live a fully expressed life by listening to your heart’s intelligence.”

- Russell Jay Dunnuck


Heart Led Money

A new paradigm for reconnecting with your money to include integrating your heart, mind, body, and soul.

A Heart Led Money Engagement includes:

  • Deep review of current finances (this part alone justifies the investment)

  • Passion Project funding coaching

  • A plan to generate money needed to live a fully expressed life.

  • Tools and insights to make money decisions from your heart’s intelligence.

Book a FREE intro meeting with Russell Jay Dunnuck (1hr)

Get started now to BOLDLY step onto your path of living a fully expressed life!

What is a Fully Expressed Life?

To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.”


— Ralph Waldo Emerson

How does this idea of Heart Led Money land with you?

Send me a message, I want to hear your heart!

- Russell Jay Dunnuck

Book an appointment.

What to expect:

  • A relaxed and easy conversation.

  • Zero pressure, none, nada, zilch.

  • 1 hr (or less if you want, you’re in control).

  • A time where your heart can be heard, respected, and seen.

Wow! Thank you for reading this far!

My desire is to serve you as your soul seeks it’s full expression.

Heart, Mind, Body, and Soul….all existing in perfectly expressed life. Your Life!

Reconnect with your money to do what makes you feel ALIVE!

-Russell Jay Dunnuck